Mobile news


750 480 ThomasEngels

Extends Moobile.Control Provides a simple button control. The presentation of button is specific to its container. For instance, a button…

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491 492 ThomasEngels

Extends Moobile.Component Provides the base class for controls such has buttons and lists. Syntax: var control = new Moobile.Control([element], [options],…

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500 500 ThomasEngels

Extends Moobile.Control Provides an image control that correctly frees the memory upon being unloaded. Initialization Syntax: var image = new…

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599 557 ThomasEngels

Extends Moobile.Control Provides an horizontal slider control. Initialization Syntax: var slider = new Moobile.Slider([element], [options], [name]); Parameters: Name Type Description…

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622 772 ThomasEngels

Provides a list control that handles list items. Initialization Syntax: var list = new Moobile.List([element], [options], [name]); Parameters: Name Type…

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700 467 ThomasEngels

Extends Moobile.Component Provides a modal alert dialog. Initialization Syntax: var alert = new Moobile.Alert([element], [options], [name]); Parameters: Name Type Description…

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397 737 ThomasEngels

Extends Moobile.Control Provides a control that group buttons and handle the selection of these buttons. Initialization Syntax: var buttonGroup =…

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624 630 ThomasEngels

Provides an extended Moobile.BarItem that handles a title and buttons on both sides of the title. Initialization Syntax: var navigationBarItem…

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